Want to Go Through Eight Turbocharged Lifetimes in a Day?
By: Bean Jones

Biographies are great reads, but there are times when you wish that you could have easy access to all the highlights of a certain person's life. This is especially true for those who want to focus on, say, the career moves of the movers and shakers of the industry.
Cashmap Lifelines: 2009's Wealthiest Americans is a course that features insightful "maps" to the lives of Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffett, Michael Dell, Larry Ellison, Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Donald Trump, and Oprah Winfrey.
The Cashmap Lifelines maps systematically pinpoint the milestones that contributed to the success--as well as the setbacks--of each person's life. It even features icons for easy reference.

What's even cooler is the fact that each Cashmaps Lifelines map consists of just one page. Thus, you can indeed go through eight biographies in just one day. You can even print out each one and take it with you.
Get hold of the inspiring Cashmap Lifelines: 2009's Wealthiest Americans"bio maps" by signing up for Simpleology and clicking on the dashboard link. You'll just be a few clicks away from getting instant inspiration from some of the most well-known trailblazers of our time.
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