Who Am I, Really? Who Are You, Really? Resources and Thoughts on Personal and Spiritual Growth. Some Rules to Live By. Some Inspirational Quotes.

Quote of the Day

Monday, January 26, 2009

Choices - A Tribute to Ole Larsen

     One of my mentors, Ole Larsen, when he lived in Pensacola Beach three decades ago sported a personalized license plate: CHOICES.
      Ole was fond of employing experiential learnings in assisting others in their personal growth, as did Gurdjieff and other spiritual leaders.   One morning as I was sitting down for breakfast in his home in Pensacola Beach Florida Ole asked me: "David, If you could have anything you wanted for breakfast, what would that be?"  I don't recall my exact reply, however, I do recall the emotion that question engendered in me - somewhat embarrassed, hesitant to state what I really would like if anything was available, generally flummoxed.  
     I since have come to realize that all we have to do is ask for what we want.  With specifics.  Exactly how we want it to be.  And when we empower that asking with the emotion of desire, we can then give thanks, knowing the (universe) (God) (Spirit) has already started moving our request to us. 
     I never really acknowledged to Ole how much he gave me during the several years we interacted from time to time.  And I must acknowledge, that I am a slow learner in many areas.  Once, Ole said to me "David, you need to handle your money".  So, twenty six years later, I'm handling my money.  
     As I said, in some areas, I'm a slow learner.
     Thank You OLE

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jim Rohn's Challenge

"Let others lead small lives, but not you.
Let others argue over small things, but not you.
Let others cry over small hurts, but not you.
Let others leave their future in someone else's hands,
but not you."

Jim Rohn

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Who Am I - Really?

Identity - Who are You?
by Peter Vajda, Ph.D, C.P.C.

"When I discover who I am, I'll be free"
- Ralph Ellison

"Identification" or "identity" is one way we use to define who we are. Either historically, or in the present moment, we come to view ourselves in some way, shape or form that identify "who I am." Identity can take the form of an image, an impression, an emotion or feeling, or a body sensation and make it one of the many building blocks that define "me." Forms of identity that we took on early in life or create in the present moment might include: I am a strong man; I am an optimist; I am an extrovert; I am a spiritual person; I am a happy person; I am a fearful person; I am a worrier; I am a manager; I am a parent, etc.

When we speak about "identity" what we are saying is that I AM this quality or image, even if I am not consciously aware of this quality or image in the moment, even if I am not speaking this to myself in the moment. It's a "given". This quality or image is part of the fabric of who I take myself to be, i.e., who I am. We believe it is True - with a capital T.

For example, let's use how we might identify with an emotion, anger. If I am identified with my anger (I am an angry person…quietly angry, usually seething, or overtly angry, usually very vocal in my anger…as a general way of being), then my response to a person, event or circumstance that I am experiencing says in some way, "I want to be angry," or "I need to be angry", or "I can justify my anger" or "I have a right to be angry", etc. and then proceed to act out on my anger. I identify with my anger. My anger is who I am.

If I am not identified with my anger, that is, seeing that I do get angry from time to time, but not being identified with my anger, I can witness the same person, event or circumstance and feel or sense my anger and say, "OK, so I feel some anger. It's here and it'll subside. I'll just be with it, observe it in me and allow it to dissipate" without having to "do" anything about it, i.e., act it out, or "get" angry.

Identification means we define ourselves by something. - I AM that something - that image, that emotion, that feeling. Who I believe I am is not separate from that quality or image.

Identification also means that I am invested in that quality. I have a conscious wanting or needing to be that quality or image.

So, one clue as to whether we are identified to a particular quality is look at how we respond to an event in the moment.

When we are identified by a quality, or an image (of who I am), we are taken over by that quality or image when we experience an event. It's a pull, like an addiction. We live much of our life addicted to having an identity, not wanting to be free of that identity and and are continually creating that identity. I am….(fill in the blank).

As we go through life, we take on, and shed, various identities.

We take on identities related to our work or career, identities related to being a man or woman, identities related to sports, education, spirituality, to our beauty, our nationality, to being a happy child or an abused child, to being the black sheep of the family - all identities which we want everyone to know. The deal is that we then believe that if we let go of our identity, we will be no one, we will lose our sense of "who I am" - we become disconnected from our True and Real self.

The Point?

When we came into the world we came in without any "identity" so to speak; we were a "tabla rosa", a clean slate. In that state, we were free, light, natural, easy, relaxed, simple (in the positive sense). This state, called presence, is still within us, still accessible. In a state of presence, we need no mental operations to create "who I am", i.e., we need no identifications. We just are. I am!

In this state of presence we have no need to "identify". We have a sense of confidence, groundedness and surety. However, when we let go of this state, when in the throes of stress, conflict, overwhelm, or confusion, we forget who we are and then sense the need to grasp on to an "identity" to make me feel safe.

When we don't trust our True and Real self, when we stray from the Essence of who we were when we came into this existence, our reactive inclination is to grab on to an image or identity of "who I am" and then shove this identity on to others to show them "I am (this or that)" - a need to be seen as this or that. In this place, we are not be-ing, we are not authentic, and we are not trusting of our Essential nature.

How to Disidentify

When we see that we are caught up in an identity, we can begin the process of letting go of it, not by efforting, not by "working" on it, but simply by becoming aware of it, noticing it, seeing it for what it is. As you become aware of the identity, observe it, watch it and witness it, it will begin to dissolve over time. If you are not willing to be free of your identification, then, yes, you are deeply identified. If you are willing to become free of your identification, slowly it will fall away.

Finally, you are not "bad" or "wrong" for having identifications. It's part of the developmental process of life. But it's not part of who we have to be. That's the choice.

When we are able to disassociate from our identities, then we can be more real, and more authentic in our everyday experiences - at work, at home, at play and in relationship.

So, Some Questions for Self-Reflection Are:

What identifications define you?
Who are you?
What reactions, attitudes, preferences, desires and attachments can help you recognize how you are identified?
How do you feel about your identifications?
Do your identifications constrain you in your everyday life experiences? How so?
When do you feel most free of identifications?
Who would you be and how would you feel if you were not (fill in with one of you identifications - an image, an emotion…)?
If you asked your best friend what s/he saw as your identifications, what would s/he say? Would you agree?
Why do you choose your identities? What do they "get" you?
Can you visualize having no identifications? What does that feel like?
How did you come to have the identifications you have?

SpiritHeart – Coaching for Essential Well-BE-ing 
— at the intersection of body, mind, emotion and spirit
Values-Based Coaching, Counseling and Training
Phone: 770.804.9125 (Atlanta, GA, USA)
E-mail: pvajda@spiritheart.net
www.spiritheart.net and www.ahchiyo.com
"What makes you think work and meditation are two different things?"
— Buddha at Work

This article got me to thinking about my smoking addiction that I have struggled with 
for years.  I definitely identify with being a smoker.  I will use this information to
give up this horrible nasty addiction.  Will let you know when success is achieved.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Walking in Sunshine

     This morning is another of those wonderful clear blue sky days in New Orleans that makes my morning walk so pleasant and starts my day off with a bang.  I am so blessed to live in a climate where the winters are mild.  We very seldom have to deal with snow, as many in the northern states do.  
     On average, we get a snowfall about once every ten years; the last before this years two inches was on Christmas day 2004. That snowfall gave us enough snow to build a snowman from the snow in the yard that was six inches high. (with a hat composed of a soft drink bottle cap)

Saturday, January 3, 2009


2009 is starting off with a bang.  Earned more money in the last two days than I last year would have earned in a week.  Now to model that strategy for the coming days, weeks, and months of this year.  The Law of Attraction is proving itself to me.